CEH V11 how to pass guide

How to pass CEH v11 (312-50) [updated 08.05.2022] [123/125]

My journey through the CEH exam was filled with numerous breaks. It took me 3 months (4 weeks uninterupted) to finally complete the book and get the exam. In my experience for the videos and the labs were useless and the book was the only good resource along with various other online explanations and manual pages. Without further Ado these are the useful links:

But beware that these are incomplete and you need to suppliment them with the knowledge from the book in order to pass (especially the tools and various list of things). Use these resources when you run out of time and need to rehearse the information.


The next thing I did was group information into two categories, things that you need to learn by understanding them and things you need to remember to pass(like the TTL table or the modulation types for wireless communication) and things that are useful and you can remember them by understanding the concepts(steps in vulnerability assesment; pentesting; bluetooth attacks and so forth). Making a list of all the tools and usages will help you in the long run. Although going through all the 3k pages is a tedious task, filtering information into groups really helps. The parctice tests offered for free by EC were not that great, they go into much more detail than the actual exam. The exam is very general, containing tools and their usages, the steps in various processes, and goes in depth in various topics like the docker part in cloud computing.

I passed three times trough all the material and each time took a more detailed look at concepts i did not care for. One example is the various malware types (I know them but the EC-Council deffinitions are a bit much as the types entertwine and you need to make a table with differences).

When taking the exam, the proctoring service was ok but you have to use a lot of services in order to prepare your computer for the exam (a tool sort of like teamviewer). 1hr and some change later the exam was over and I don’t know why I treated it so seriously. Afterwards you don’t receive any email for a day or two, before finally getting your cert.

After a couple of weeks after I received a voucher for the practical reducing it to 100$ so if you plan on buying both, you might reconsider. They said it was because of the high score but you never know.

As a final resource it is very useful to read reddit comments about people who took the exam in order to see that it is no big deal, you got this!