linux executable that has half a section in 32 bit and one in 16 bit

We see that the executable has a string location and that before comparing with our input string (read through int 0x80) the file uses rol with 0xd:

In order to do the same but backwards we use cyberchef

We note the comparison chars but change our input chars:
for the first char it is:
set $al=0x6c

The next chars are compared we need to have 0x12 characters in total:

Checking the code it is not good so we have to disassemble the whole binary and see other parts of code

After looking through the message:

I found a section of code that didn’t compile right. I edited the segment as to be 16 bit ( edit->segments->edit segment). And then by pressing C in ida i made the section code:

We see that it xors the string with 0xd:


So combining them:
