PopaCracker’s Python CrackMe

Step 1 install python3.7 because it was compiled with 3.7

Step 2 use pyinstxtractor.py to extract the files

Step3 use uncompyle6 to get the source code

Step4 profit

Embedded file name: CrackTool.py

from time import sleep Pass = ‘YouSuccCracked’ print(‘———-‘) print(‘Welcome To Crack Tool’) print(‘Options \n 1.Register’) exc = input(‘Select Option > ‘) if exc == ‘1’: print(f”You Selected {exc} Option”) else: print(‘You Dont Select Any Option’) sleep(3) exit() opt1_function_name = input(‘Enter Your Name > ‘) opt1_function_obf = input(‘Enter Password > ‘) if opt1_function_obf != Pass: print(‘Incorrect Password!’) sleep(3) exit() else: if opt1_function_obf == Pass: print(f”Correct! You Successfuly Registered as {opt1_function_name}”) sleep(3) exit() else: print(‘Error’)

okay decompiling CrackTool.pyc

Welcome To Crack Tool Options 1.Register Select Option > 1 You Selected 1 Option Enter Your Name > YouSuccCracked Enter Password > YouSuccCracked Correct! You Successfuly Registered as YouSuccCracked